Pokemon go DOWNLOAD APK and Trick and tips

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Pokemon go DOWNLOAD APK and Trick and tips

Pokemon go tricks and tips
Hello guys,
I have been playing Pokemon Go for the past 24 hours this is very cool game i have tried to do some research to improve Pokémon GO , and I’ve found something and i will share some pokemon go tips and tricks here and wait few days for Pokmon Go Mod 

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Lately i have been receiving loads of messages regarding downloading Pokemon go in India so here is the download link (its not officialy released in some asian countries so you cant download from playstore use the download link below)

download links below:

Please give like and support before downloading :


See Also:  

-After sing in then you need to create an avatar and start looking for Pokemons

-The game will alert you if there’s a Pokemon around you. A white & Red Pokeball will appear at bottom of the display

-Flick the ball towards that monster, make sure it falls on the Pokemon and not around it


  • Make sure your device is fully charged before going outside and Enable battery saving mod in settings when you play pokemon go your battery will drain fast so turn on power saving mod or use a powerbank :D
  • You need to open the nearby list and choose which pokemon you want to find then walk to that direction until you see it
  • That tracker in the bottom right corner means how close nearby Pokemon are ..each footprint is approxi 90 metres. check this as you walk to see if  footprints increase or decrease. If they are decreasing you're going in the correct direction
  • Floating leaves that appear as you walk around mean that Pokemon are in that vicinity and that if you head over there you maybe encounter some 



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Tags: Pokemon go apk Download , Pokemon go apk hack , Pokemon go tips and tricks,Pokemon go mod.Pokemon go modded apk,Pokemon go cheats,Pokemon go unlimited mod.Pokemon go how to play,Pokemon go